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Our unique fleet of machinery, extensive facilities and exceptional handling capacity allow us to be a partner of choice for major infrastructure projects. We specialize in the fabrication of steel bridge components and complementary products in the road, rail and industrial fields. Our plants are equipped with specialized facilities for the surface treatment of non-standard parts.

Marmen offers exceptional capacity: up to 200 tons and 60 feet (18.28 m) in diameter. We provide turnkey solutions from the planning to the delivery of your parts including: purchase of the raw material, fabrication, high-precision machining, stress relief, NDT testing, surface treatment and mechanical and electrical assembly.  

We can manufacture a diversity of infrastructure parts, such as:

Girders, steel components for large-scale projects in the road, rail and industrial fields and much more.

Our certifications

  • ISO 9001:2015 - Certificate of Registration by Intertek
  • CSA W47.1 – Canadian Welding Bureau – Certificate of Accreditation

Discover our customized solutions